SEP 04: CoLab Meeting at SFU at 2.30 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING.
AUG 28: CoLab Meeting at SFU at 2.30 3.00-4.00SWAN Small-world Wide Area Networking
(Fred B. Holt and Virgil Bourassa, Seattle).
AUG 21: CoLab Meeting at SFU:
2.30-3.30Grid Computation (Josh Knauer and Noah Adams) 3.30-4.30Math on the Web: from posting assignments to mathematical web services (Steve Watt).
AUG 07: CoLab Meeting at SFU at 2.30.
on Mathematical OCR (Mason Macklem).
JUL 24: CoLab Meeting at SFU at 2.30.
JUL 17: Shad Valley Demo at 10.10.
JUN 26: Math Camp Knot Demo at 12.45.
JUN 19: CoLab Meeting at SFU at 2.30.
JUN 12: Math Demo for Westwood Elementary at 9.30.
MAY 29: CoLab Meeting at SFU. Presentation by Silicon Chalk